Filesystem usage displayed by df does not match total usage displayed by du, e.g. 24 GB vs. ~4.7G:

[root@server1 /]# df -h /
Filesystem                     Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/rhel_server1-root   27G   24G  2.7G  90% /

[root@server1 /]# du -shx * --exclude proc --exclude sys | sort -h
0       bin
0       dev
0       home
0       lib
0       lib64
0       media
0       mnt
0       sbin
0       secrets
0       srv
4.0K    tmp
13M     opt
50M     etc
182M    root
187M    boot
429M    run
1.5G    var
2.3G    usr

Display human readable size from lsof output:

[root@server1 /]# lsof | grep /var | numfmt --field=7 --to=iec | head

Display deleted files still present on the device and consuming space:

[root@server1 /]# lsof +L1 /dev/mapper/rhel_server1-root 2> /dev/null

Combination of the above commands reveals two docker log files causing the issue:

[root@server1 /]# lsof +L1 /dev/mapper/rhel_server1-root 2> /dev/null | \
                  grep "/var" | \
                  numfmt --field=7 --to=iec | \
                  sort -h -k7 | \
                  tail -10

dockerd-c  1997     root 1553r   REG  253,0       2.1G     0     71015 /var/lib/docker/containers/<container1-id>/<container1-id>-json.log (deleted)
dockerd-c  1997     root  554r   REG  253,0       5.8G     0  67454925 /var/lib/docker/containers/<container2-id>/<container2-id>-json.log (deleted)

Container logs were deleted but still using space on the filesystem.


List all file descriptors that have ‘deleted’ in the file listing:

[root@server1 /]# ls /proc/$(cat /var/run/ -l --time-style=+'%s' | \
                  grep -E 'deleted'

To perform the actual “cleaning”, run this:

[root@server1 /]# docker_pid=$(cat /var/run/
[root@server1 /]# gdb -p $docker_pid <<< "$( \
                  ls /proc/$docker_pid/fd -l --time-style=+'%s' | \
                  grep -E 'deleted' | \
                  awk '{ printf("p close(%s)\n", $7)}')"


Gist with script to close leaked ‘deleted’ and ‘eventfd’ left by Docker

Git issues I came accross and helped me around: